Terms and Conditions


Members are asked to support the following statements.

1)The purpose of the VRA UK is to promote responsible motorcycling activities for its members by conducting International, National and Regional activities, encouraging the participation of its members in these activities while maintaining a family oriented open atmosphere. In particular, the VRA UK promotes the Kawasaki Vulcan range of motorcycles known in the UK as VN’s or EN.
2)Brotherhood, friendship and tolerance are the guidelines for all our arrangements and meetings.


These are the simple guidelines for using the VRA UK website.
Be respectful.
Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points. …
Be careful with humour and sarcasm. …
Don’t post or share (even privately) inappropriate material. …
Be forgiving.
If you wouldn’t say it face to face, don’t say it online.
Extend your good nature online!!


The Vulcan Riders UK Ltd is the trading name of The Vulcan Riders Association (hereinafter called “the company”) which is a company registered in England & Wales and limited by guarantee. Members of the Vulcan Riders Association are required to be members of the company, and as such, become guarantors of the company, to the maximum amount of £1.00 (One pound sterling) each in the event of the company being wound up and unable to pay its debts. This is just for tax reasons and means we can do more with the money the Association receives from your subscriptions.


1.0 Purpose of the Policy. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) became enforceable on 25 May 2018. This legislation is intended to protect an individual’s personal data. The purpose of this policy is to explain to members and auditors how the VRA UK stores, protects and maintains the personal data we have been given or has been provided by the Member subsequently. This policy is intended to be aligned with and comply to GDPR.

2.0 Personal Consent. The GDPR requires that we have written consent, either physical or electronic, to retain the personal information that we store on our Website. We require that all members provide us with written consent to retain the personal data on the Website for the longevity of their Membership. This is an ‘Opt-In Consent’ and without it we cannot retain any personal data of a member and therefore the consent is a perquisite to membership of the VRA UK. The consent is for the information that we store regardless of whether it was added from the Membership Application by the Membership Secretary or was added later by the Member in their Association Website Profile. The GDPR does not request that we seek further Opt-In Consent and we will not seek or reiterate a Member’s Opt-In consent.

3.0 Data that is Collected and Stored. When Members apply to the Association, we ask for the following personal information:

Full Member
Full Name
Nick Name
Email Address
Address & Post Code
Contact Telephone Numbers(s)
Bike Registration
Family Member
Full Name
Nick Name
Email Address
Address & Post Code
Contact Telephone Number(s)
Bike Registration

Without the above information an application will be rejected. Members have access to the VRA UK Website and can amend their Profile that contains this information. It is therefore the Member’s responsibility to maintain the accuracy of the information, not the VRA UK.

4.0 How the Data is used. We use this personal information to identify you in the Association and allow you access on to the Association Website. We assign you with a membership number and a date when your subscription expires. We use your information to contact you and request subsequent years membership subscription. Other members can use your email address to contact you from the Website to send you personal messages. We use your postal address for three purposes:

To send New Memberships our Welcome Pack.
To send you Merchandise that you may purchase.
To send you Voting Forms, should you decide to have a Postal Vote for Election President and Vice President to the National Executive Committee.

If we have not been given or you have not added your postal address, you will not be able to undertake any of the above.

5.0 Who do we share the data with? We do not share membership data with any third parties. The data is retained only for the governance of the Membership of the Association. Any Affiliated Third Parties that we associate will not under any circumstance be given your personal data and should these affiliations request your personal data members will have to provide that themselves.

6.0 Protection of the Data. The data is stored on Web Servers with whom we host our website site. We ensure that our Web Hosts have a current and up to date, data protection management plan that constantly monitors their servers for unauthorized access and combats that. We also ensure that our Web Hosts back-ups our website data to a different location to ensure that we can maintain the accuracy of the data stored. In addition to the above control measures, we have applied and shall maintain ‘a Secure Sockets Layer Certificate’ (SSL Certificate) This is a data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to the VRA UK details to our website. This is installed on our Hosts Web servers and activates the padlock and the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (https protocol) and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser on a remote computer or mobile device.

7.0 Links (3rd Parties Data Input) Members can add the details of companies to the Links Page on the VRA UK Website. Ideally the member should request confirmation that the Company agrees to being added to our website. Any such agreement should be forwarded to the Secretary. However, if this is not possible and the company has not refused to their addition, they can be added under the following criteria;
Serving and Sales for and to Motorcyclist, not necessarily exclusively, such as, Servicing, Repairs, Tyres, Customizing etc.
Clothing for Motorcyclist, not necessarily exclusively, such as Helmets, Boots, Shoes, Leathers, base layers etc.
Customizing and personalizing Motorcycles and / or Clothing, such as, Spray painting, Hydrographic, (Water Transfer Painting), Engraving Polishing and Metal Finishing etc. If you are unsure whether a Company can be added please ask your Regional Representative, who will seek clarification.

8.0 Retention of Membership Data. We will retain your personal data for the longevity of your membership with the association. You can update your own personal data on the Association Website and we request that you maintain the accuracy of this.
Should your membership Lapse – You will be notified in advance that you Membership is due for renewal shortly and again when it is due for renewal or has lapsed, giving you the opportunity to renew your membership. Should you not wish to renew your membership, or you do not contact the Membership Secretary we will delete all your personal details and send you confirmation that we have done this. o Cease – We will delete all your personal data and you will be notified of the termination of your membership and confirmation that your personal data has been deleted. All Notifications, Messages, Friends, Groups, Gallery that are stored under your profile will be deleted, however contributions or comments in Forums or RSVP to past or future Events (What’s On) will not be deleted. The GDPR allows us to retain your personal details for 2 Years after we no longer need it for the governance of the Association. However, we shall delete it as so as is reasonably practicable after lapse or cessation of your Membership.

9.0 Retention of Link Data. We will retain Company Link Data until either the company is no longer applicable to Members or has ceased trading. Should a company disagree with the Listing and wish it removed, it shall be removed within 30 Days of notifying us. Notification should be made to secretary@vulcanrider.co.uk by email.


The website of the Vulcan Riders Association has, for many years, displayed the photos uploaded by members for other members to enjoy. In order to continue this practice, when you tick the agreements box, we will assume you have given permission for the use of photos you upload, unless you specifically notify us that you wish the image to be removed. 

Similarly, if you are included in an uploaded photo and you do not wish it to be displayed then contact the association for removal. 



Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

VRA- Vulcan Riders Association (The World-Wide Association)
VRA UK – Vulcan Riders Association United Kingdom
AEC – Association Executive Committee. The World Wide Governing body of the VRA Internationally.
NEC – National Executive Committee (Refer to the National Constitution Clause 2.1)
NC – National Committee (Refer to the National Constitution Clause 2.1)
REC – Regional Executive Committee (Refer to the National Constitution Clause 3.5)
VN – A Kawasaki Vulcan Model/Designation
EN – A Kawasaki Vulcan Model/Designation
Vulcan S – A Kawasaki Vulcan Model/Designation
Full Member – A Member who owns and rides a VN, EN or Vulcan S and has a UK Category A or A1 Licence respective to their Motorcycle.
Family Member – The Spouse or Partner of a Full Member aged 18 Years or older, as designated by the letter f following their membership number ie 44-1-749F
Elected Officer – A Full Member who has been elected by the National or Regional Members
Audit Officer – An Appointed Member to oversee an Election.
Appointed Officer – A Member who has been Appointed to undertake a specific task by the NEC and NC
Election Officer – An Appointed Member who governs a Presidential or Vice-Presidential Election 1
AGM – Annual General Meeting on the VRA UK NEC, NC and Members
EGM – Extraordinary General Meeting (Only called for a Crisis by the NEC)
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
ICO – Information Commissioners Office
Membership – A Full Member and Family Member (Maximum 2No. (TWO Persons))
Opt-In Consent – The Member must agree to, it is not assumed by default
1.0 Name & Purpose
1.1 The Association shall be called the Vulcan Riders Association United Kingdom (VRA UK).
1.2 The purpose of the VRA UK is to promote responsible motorcycling activities for its members by conducting International, National and Regional activities, encouraging the participation of its members in these activities while maintaining a family oriented open atmosphere. In particular, the VRA UK promote the Kawasaki Vulcan range of motorcycles known in the UK as VN’s or EN.
1.3 The VRA UK is a Member Chapter of and shall be represented on the Vulcan Riders International Association Executive Committee (AEC) by the VRA UK President or their Proxy.
1.4 To be a Full Member of the VRA UK you must own a Kawasaki Vulcan motorcycle(s) that is the EN or VN models, including the Vulcan S and be aged 18 or over.
1.5 All riders must be insured and licensed as required by current UK Law.
1.6 Full Members may enrol their spouse or partner aged 18 or over.
1.7 Only Full Members and their spouse or partner, if registered will be eligible to vote.
1.8 The VRA UK reserves the right to refuse and or revoke membership
1.9 Any family member either owning and/or riding a VN or Vulcan S or not will be classed as a full member regarding voting etc and may put themselves forward for appointed positions, regional Representative and other positions in the N.C. with the exception of Vice President and President which requires a full membership of 2 or more years.
2.0 VRA UK National Executive and National Officer Structure
2.1 VRA UK National Officer Structure is:

National Executive Committee (NEC)
Vice President

National Committee (NC)
NEC and
Regional Representatives of
Royal Cotswolds
South East
South West

Appointed National Officers
Membership Secretary
Merchandising Officer

2.2 The VRA UK National Executive Committee (NEC) comprises of The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.
2.3 The VRA UK National Committee (NC) comprises of all listed in 2.1. Each has a vote on decisions made by the NC on behalf of the members. No member of the NC can cast more than one vote The Presidents vote can only be cast in the event of a tied decision. Members of the NC must be present to vote on decisions, no postal or electronic votes are allowed. Regional Representatives may appoint a Proxy from their Regional Committee (RC).
2.4 The National Committee (NC) will agree by voting on any policy prior to implementation or amendment of any policy.
3.0 Election of Executive & Regional Representative Officers
3.1 Executive Officers

These are elected positions for a biennial term by the membership. These positions are to be staggered terms of office to ensure the smooth running of the VRA UK.
Vice President

Treasurer and Secretary
These are appointed positions by the President and Vice President with consultation and agreement by voting of the NC.

Multiple appointments, with one person in each position, within the biennial term may be made as the President and Vice president require with consultation and agreement by voting of voting of the NC.

Regional Representative Officers
These are elected annually by the membership of the Region.

Appointed National Officers
These are appointed positions as the NEC see necessary, to fulfil specific roles for the governance of the VRA UK or liaison with 3rd parties with consultation and agreement by voting of the NC.

Regional Appointments

Regional Representatives should be encouraged to appoint the following on an annual basis at their respective Regional Annual General Meetings with the agreement of the attending members, which will be held prior to the National Annual General Meeting each year.

Area Secretary
Road Captain
Web Master
Social Secretary

The above positions have the title of Regional Officer and have no voting rights within the NC Quarterly Meetings. Unless they are nominated as a Proxy by the Regional Representative in their absence.

4.0 The Annual General Meeting
4.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on a date and at a location decided by a vote of the NC and announced no later than the previous AGM.
4.2 The date of the next AGM will be posted on the events page of the VRA UK Website within 30 days of the current AGM.
4.3 The Agenda of the AGM will be made available to all members at least 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, with a copy of any President or Vice President Nominations.
Only Full Members and their spouse or partner, registered on the VRA UK website,90 days prior to the AGM being held, have a vote at the VRA UK AGM. Voting for president and vice president will be in accordance with Clause 7.3
4.4 Presentation of reports and a statement of accounts will be submitted at the AGM.
4.5 All VRA UK Regions must have a nominated delegate at the VRA UK AGM.
4.6 Voting for Amendments to the constitution and policies shall be voting of those attending the AGM.
4.6.1 In the event that the VRA UK cannot hold a traditional AGM due to circumstances beyond the Association’s control, eg. National crisis, Pandemic etc, then an alternative approach may be used. This may include local, regional AGM’s meeting on platforms such as Zoom, to discuss and vote on proposals for constitutional changes or other items for discussion at the AGM. The results of these Regional AGM’s will then be collated and progresses by the Officers of the Association.
5.0 Quarterly meetings of the Executive, Regional and National Officers (NC)
5.1 These will be organised by the NEC and spaced equally throughout the year, one of which will be the evening prior to the AGM. All Officers should make the effort to attend. All Regions should be represented by a Regional Representative Officer or a Proxy member. Any Proxy member will have the same voting rights as the officer they are representing.
5.2 All Officers referred to in Clause 2.1 should submit a report to the Secretary for circulation 10 days prior to and inclusion in the quarterly meetings.
6.0 Nomination and Election of Officers
6.1 The President and Vice President will be Elected at an AGM.
6.2 Nominations for officers duly proposed and seconded are to be forwarded in writing to the Secretary at least 60 days prior to the AGM.
6.3 All Nominees will have been Full Members of the VRA UK for at least two years, before they can be nominated for the position of President and Vice President.
6.4 All nominees will agree to stand, in writing, and be present at the AGM.
Nominees are to submit a Manifestos in writing to the Secretary 40 Days prior to the Election.
6.5 If at the end of the Biennial Term there are no Nominations for President or Vice President the incumbent President and/or Vice President will automatically be re-elected for a subsequent biennial term, providing they have not signified their wish to stand down.
6.6 If at the end of the biennial term the incumbent is standing down and there is only one nomination for President or vice President the nominee is automatically elected for the biennial term.
7.0 Elections
7.1 No member can hold more than one elected position on the NC. that is except for the President and Vice President, who may hold the position of Regional officer of their region or another region should a member not be forth standing as a regional representative . Such standing as regional representatives will be agreed between the President and Vice president.
7.2 Members of the NEC cannot be related.
7.3 Only full Members can hold elected positions within the NEC
7.4 Voting for President and Vice President will be those attending the AGM. Similar to clause 2.3, members must be present at the AGM to vote.
7.5 Voting for President and Vice President must attend the AGM.
8.0 Amendments to the Constitution
8.1 Notice of any proposed amendments, introduction or alterations to the Constitution of the VRA UK
must be proposed and seconded by members only and forwarded in writing to the Secretary at least
60 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
8.2 Proposed amendments, introductions or deletions to the Constitution or policies of the VRA UK must be forwarded by the Secretary to all members of the NC at least 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
8.2.1 Failure of the secretary to circulate the amendment, introduction or deletions does not preclude it from being raised as business and voted on by the membership attending the AGM.
8.2.2 Members can make a maximum of two proposals at an AGM Each proposal must have a different seconder.
8.2.3 Members can second a maximum of two proposals at an AGM. Proposers can second a maximum of two proposals made by any other members, including members who have seconded their proposals, at an AGM.
8.3 No proposed amendments, introduction or deletions to the Constitution or policies of the VRA UK shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for by the NC.
8.4 The Proposer and Seconder of any proposed amendments, introductions or alterations to the Constitution of the VRA UK must attend the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.
8.5 Agreement or rejection of any proposed amendment. Introduction or deletions to the Constitution or policies of the VRA, with or without adaption following Membership debate/discussion shall be made by majority vote of eligible members attending the AGM.
8.6 Any agreed proposals shall be incorporated into the revised constitution of the VRA UK and published on the VRA UK website within 30 days after the AGM.
9.0 VRA Logo
9.1 The Association logo is copyrighted and the copyright rests with the AEC.
9.2 The right to use the copyrighted logo is extended to International Chapters.
9.3 Use of the logo by any other third party requires permission from the AEC.
9.3 The VRA Logo is carried as a front patch and placed on the left or right side of the vest or jacket depending on the national chapters culture.
9.4 The logo may not be misused or carried in such a manner by members, that it in any way brings the VRA into disrepute.